2007年至今 我校现代光学研究所 讲师 副教授 教授
2014年 香港理工大学先进光学制造中心,访问学者
F project 摄像头成像效果评价及量产标准制定----2014-10-20
[1] 赵星,肖流长,童开年,基于矢量像差理论的共轴自由曲面光学系统优化设计方法,发明专利,申请号:201910191804.7
[2] Yaoyao Wang, Juan Zhang, Xuewei Zhao, Bo Zhang, Lipei Song, Xing Zhao*, "Hybrid pixel mapping reconstruction method of axially moving lenslet array in integral imaging with arbitrary moving gap," Opt. Eng. 57(6), 061620 (2018)
[3] Kainian Tong, Yi Zheng, Zan Zhang, Xing Zhao*, Bo Zhang, Lipei Song, Lingjie Wang, Chao Wang, and Pengfei Wu, "Model of radial basis functions based on surface slope for optical freeform surfaces," Opt. Express, 2018, 26(11): 14010-14023
[4] Yao-yao Wang (王尧尧),Juan Zhang (张娟), Xue-wei Zhao (赵雪微), Li-pei Song (宋丽培), Bo Zhang (张勃), Xing Zhao* (赵星), Depth extraction method with high accuracy in integral imaging based on moving array lenslet technique, Optoelectronics Letters, 2018, 14(2): 148–151
[5] 赵雪微,王尧尧,宋丽培,张勃,赵星*. 基于计算集成成像的水下目标成像[J]. 中国激光, 2018, 45(1): 0109001
[6] Y. Wang, J. Zhang, X. Zhao, B. Zhang, L. Song, and X. Zhao*, "Resolution-improved three-dimensional reconstruction using rotating object technique in integral imaging," in Imaging and Applied Optics 2017 (3D, AIO, COSI, IS, MATH, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper DW2F.4.
[7] 赵星,王尧尧,张娟,赵雪微,张勃,宋丽培,一种高精度三维测量方法与测量仪器,发明专利,申请号:201710388224.8
[8] Pengfei Wu, Zi Liang, Xing Zhao, Lei Su, and Lipei Song, "Lensless wide-field single-shot imaging through turbid media based on object-modulated speckles," Appl. Opt. 56, 3335-3341 (2017)
[9] Lipei Song, Zhen Zhou, Xueyan Wang, Xing Zhao, and Daniel S. Elson, "Simulation of speckle patterns with pre-defined correlation distributions," Biomed. Opt. Express 7, 798-809 (2016)
[10] 张赞,赵星*,李强,郑义,张娟,席炜,武鹏飞. 涡旋光场的吸收调制效应及其在超分辨技术中的应用. 光电子激光,2017, 28(3):334-339
[11] Zhong-Chen Cao, Chi Fai Cheung*, Xing Zhao, A theoretical and experimental investigation of material removal characteristics and surface generation in bonnet polishing, Wear, 2016, 360–361:137-146, (15 August 2016)
[12] J. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Zheng, B. Zhang, and X. Zhao*, "Hybrid pixel mapping reconstruction method of axially distributed integral imaging," in Imaging and Applied Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper JW4A.28.
[13] 武鹏飞,张赞,郑义,张娟,王尧尧,赵星*,王灵杰,伍雁雄. 采样点分布对基于面形斜率径向基模型的自由曲面拟合精度的影响. 光学精密工程, 2016,24(7): 1564-1572.
[14] 张娟,周立秋,张勃,张赞,郑义,赵星*. 基于光线追迹的集成成像技术重建分辨率研究[J]. 中国激光, 2015, 42(11): 1108004
[15] 赵星,郑义,张赞,张娟. 基于高斯径向基模型光学自由曲面表征模型的头戴显示系统. 发明专利,专利号:ZL201510752020.9
[16] Da Li, Chi Fai Cheung, MingJun Ren, David Whitehouse, and Xing Zhao, Disparity pattern-based autostereoscopic 3D metrology system for in situ measurement of microstructured surfaces, Opt. Lett. 40(22), 5271-5274 (2015)
[17] Juan Zhang, Liqiu Zhou, Xiaoxue Jiao, Lei Zhang, Lipei Song, Bo Zhang, Yi Zheng, Zan Zhang, and Xing Zhao*, Statistics-based reconstruction method with high random-error tolerance for integral imaging, Appl. Opt. 2015, 54(28): E176-E180
[18] 赵星*, 郑义, 张赞等. 基于面形斜率的光学自由曲面表征[J]. 光学精密工程, 2015,23(7): 1957-1964.
[19] Da Li, Chi Fai Cheung, Mingjun Ren, Liqiu Zhou, and Xing Zhao, Autostereoscopy-based three-dimensional on-machine measuring system for micro-structured surfaces, Opt. Express, 2014, 22(21): 25635-25650
[20] Liqiu Zhou, Xing Zhao*, Yong Yang, Xiaocong Yuan, Voxel model for evaluation of a three-dimensional display and reconstruction in integral imaging, Optics Letters, 2014, 39(7): 2032-2035
[21] Qiang Li, Xing Zhao*, Bo Zhang, Yi Zheng, Liqiu Zhou, Lingjie Wang, Yanxiong Wu and Zhiliang Fang, Nanofocusing of longitudinally polarized light using absorbance modulation, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104(6): 061103
[22] 焦小雪,赵星,杨勇,方志良,袁小聪,基于相机阵列的元素图像阵列快速获取方法和装置,发明专利,2014.1,中国 ZL201110400206.X
[23] 焦小雪,赵星,杨勇,方志良,袁小聪,场景三维信息阵列式光学获取中元素图像阵列自校正方法,发明专利,2014.1,中国 ZL201110399970.X
[24] Chunxue Yang, Hao Zhang, Yinping Miao, Hu Liang, Xing Zhao, Zhi Wang, and Bo Liu, Load-insensitive temperature sensor based on azobenzene-chloroform-solution-filled microstructured optical fiber, Opt. Lett. 2013, 38(24): 5426-5429
[25] Zhang Lei, Yang Yong, Wang Jin-gang, Zhao Xing, Fang Zhi-liang and Yuan Xiao-cong, Continuous imaging space in three-dimensional integral imaging, Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(5): 054202
[26] 张雷,杨勇,赵星,方志良,袁小聪. 多级投影式集成成像三维显示的视场角拓展[J]. 光学 精密工程, 2013, 21(1): 1~6
[27] Fang Wang, Xing Zhao, Yong Yang, Zhiliang Fang, Xiaocong Yuan, Performance analysis of three-dimensional integral imaging systems based on human vision[J], Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(2): 134-138
[28] Xiaoxue Jiao, Xing Zhao, Yong Yang, Zhiliang Fang, and Xiaocong Yuan, Dual-camera enabled real-time three-dimensional integral imaging pick-up and display. Opt. Express, 2012, 20(25): 27304-27311
[29] Lei Zhang, Yong Yang, Xing Zhao, Zhiliang Fang, and Xiaocong Yuan, Enhancement of depth-of-field in a direct projection-type integral imaging system by a negative lens array. Optics Express, 2012, 20(23): 26021-26026
[30] 戴志华,徐于萍,步敬,杨勇,赵星,袁小聪. 光场显微镜实现裸眼三维实时显示[J]. 光学学报,2012, 32(10): 240-243
[31] 焦小雪, 赵星*, 杨勇, 方志良, 袁小聪. 基于相机阵列的三维集成成像记录系统. 光学 精密工程, 2012, 20 (8): 1653-1660
[32] 张雷,杨勇,赵星,方志良,袁小聪. 基于小发散角的投影式集成成像三维显示再现深度的拓展[J]. 光学 精密工程, 2012, 20(6): 1159~1165
[33] 黎达,王曙,赵星*,方志良,袁小聪. 光吸收调制微加工技术中偶氮材料光吸收率的时间变化特性[J]. 中国激光, 2012, 39(s1): s106001
[34] 赵星*, 王芳, 杨勇, 方志良, 袁小聪. 集成成像三维显示系统显示性能的研究进展[J]. 中国光学, 2012,5(3): 209-221
[35] 戴志华,王金刚,赵星,杨勇,步敬,袁小聪*,光学显微集成成像三维图像快速获取技术[J]。中国科学:技术科学,2012,42(5): 425-429
[36] XIE HongBin, ZHAO Xing, YANG Yong, BU Jing, FANG ZhiLiang, YUAN XiaoCong. Cross-lenticular lens array for full parallax 3-D display with crosstalk reduction. Sci China Tech Sci, 2012, 55 (3): 735-742
[37] 杨勇, 徐于萍, 赵星, 步敬, 袁小聪,基于同名点间距变换的三维显示参数匹配[J],光学精密工程,2012, 20(5):1084-1089
[38] 王芳,赵星*,杨勇 等 . 基于人眼视觉的集成成像三维显示分辨率的比较[J]. 物理学报, 2012, 61(8): 084212.
[39] 焦小雪,赵星*,杨勇,方志良,袁小聪. 基于三维集成成像相机阵列获取的元素图像校正[J]. 中国激光, 2012, 39(3): 0309001
[40] 黎达,赵星*,杨勇,方志良,袁小聪,三维集成成像中无串扰显示系统的设计与实现[J],光电子激光,2012, 23(1): 35-40
[41] 基于相机阵列的元素图像阵列快速获取方法和装置,专利号:201110400206.X
[42] 场景三维信息阵列式光学获取中元素图像阵列自校正方法,专利号:201110399970.X
[43] Da Li, Xing Zhao*, Yong Yang, Zhiliang Fang, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Tunable viewing scope of three-dimensional integral imaging," [J] 2011, Appl. Opt. 50(34), H230-H236
[44] 谢宏斌,杨勇,赵星,等. 狭缝光栅、柱面透镜光栅及其新构型在三维显示中的应用[J]. 中国光学 ,2011,4(6):562-570.
[45] 薛东旭,杨勇,张慧敏,赵星,袁小聪. 一种改进型视角投影图像彩色计算全息术的三维重构算法[J]. 光子学报,2011,40(10):1542-1546
[46] 焦小雪, 赵星*, 杨勇, 方志良, 袁小聪. 基于最佳记录距离的三维集成成像光学获取技术[J]. 光学精密工程,2011,19(11): 2805-2811
[47] 王芳,黎达,赵星*,杨勇,方志良,袁小聪. 集成成像三维显示系统立体深度的研究[J]. 中国激光, 2011, 38(s1): s109002
[48] 袁小聪, 徐于萍, 杨勇, 赵星, 步敬. 基于相机阵列获取元素图像的集成成像抗串扰参数设计[J]. 光学精密工程,2011,19(9): 2050-2056
[49] 赵星*,张美慧,方志良。二次曲面前房型有晶体眼人工晶体的球差矫正特性分析[J]。光子学报,2011,40(6):865-871
[50] Xiaocong Yuan, Yuquan Zhang, Rui Cao, Xing Zhao, Jing Bu, Siwei Zhu, Dynamic steering beams for efficient force measurement in optical manipulation[J]. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9(3): 031201
[51] 陈君,赵星*,方志良. 基于纯相位空间光调制器的复振幅调制研究[J]. 光学学报, 2011, 31(s1): s100205
[52] Xing Zhao, Yuyang Sun, Jing Bu, Siwei Zhu, and X.-C. Yuan, "Microlens-array-enabled on-chip optical trapping and sorting," [J] Appl. Opt. 50(3), 318-322 (2011)
[53] 赵星*,吴宏超,宋丽培,方志良。微型投影机自由曲面LED聚光器的设计[J]。光学精密工程,2010 Vol. 18 (10): 2123-2129
[54] Jun Chen, Xing Zhao, Zhiliang Fang, Siwei Zhu and X.-C. Yuan. Modified optical vortices for encoding topological charges with principal-sidelobe ring relationships. Opt. Lett. 2010, 35: 1485-1487
[55] Jun Chen, Xing Zhao, Zhiliang Fang, Siwei Zhu and X.-C. Yuan. Explicit relations and optimal parameters for sidelobe suppression in optical vortices with a modified Bessel function. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 2010, 27: 935-940.
[56] J. Chen, X.-C. Yuan and X. Zhao et al. Generalized approach to modifying optical vortices with suppressed sidelobes using Bessel-like functions. Opt. Lett. 2009, 34: 3289
[57] 赵星,宋丽培,孔强,母国光. 离轴非球面加工中最接近球面及研磨去除量的求解. 光学学报. 2009, 29(S1): 61-64
[58] 王璐,汤欣,赵星,方志良。人工晶状体离体像差特性的实验研究。眼视光学杂志,2008,Vol. 10(6):423-425
[59] Xing Zhao, Zhi-liang Fang, Ji-cheng Cui, Xin Zhang and Guo-guang Mu.Illumination system using LED sources for pocket-size projectors.Applied Optics, 2007, Vol. 46(4): 522~526
[60] Xing Zhao, Zhi-liang Fang, Guo-guang Mu; Analysis and Design of the Color Wheel in Digital Light Processing System; Optik, 2007, Vol. 118(12): 561-564
[61] Zhao Xing, Fang Zhi-liang, Mu Guo-guang. Study on the colorimetric properties of the LED projection sources. Acta Physica Sinica, 2007,56(5): 2537-2540 (in Chinese)
赵星,方志良,母国光.LED投影光源的色度学特性研究.物理学报,2007,Vol. 56(5):2537~2540
[62] 赵星,方志良,崔继承,张新,母国光.微型投影机光学引擎的研究.光学学报,2007,Vol. 27(5):913~918
[63] 赵星,方志良,宋丽培,母国光.数字光处理背投电视色度学特性的研究.光子学报,2007,Vol. 36(2):355~358
[64] 赵星,方志良,崔继承,张新,母国光.DLP背投电视色轮滤色片的理论分析和设计.光电子•激光,2006,Vol. 17(12):1466~1469
* 为通讯作者
May. 2019 updated
期刊审稿人:Optics Express、Applied Optics、JOSA.A、光学精密工程、光学学报、中国激光、红外与激光工程